PCGen follow-up
I’ve received a response from the people at Code Monkey Publishing with regard to their nonstandard data sets. I asked why the CMP data sets were incompatible with every other available data set, and if there was a way to make them compatible. In short:
… yes, that is exactly the case, and is done intentionally. …
I’m sorry if that’s not the answer you wanted to hear, I’m sorry if you don’t like that answer, but that’s the answer.
(from W. Robert Reed III, aka “Mynex “, co-owner of Code Monkey Publishing)
So the bottom line is that the Code Monkey Publishing data sets do not work correctly with PCGen, and they aren’t going to. So I’ve wasted my money. More importantly, I’ve wasted my time. Furthermore, if I want to use PCGen to create characters using feats and spells that aren’t part of the OGL, I’ll have to code them by hand, even though I paid CMP so that I wouldn’t have to do that. I don’t like that answer, but that’s the answer.
Do not waste your money or your time on data sets from Code Monkey Publishing.