[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Wednesday, 2010-03-31

Statement of physical fitness

Filed under: Work — bblackmoor @ 16:36

I received a letter from the Henrico County police department today. I applied for a position as an Animal Control Officer, and the next step is to successfully complete a “physical agility” test. In order to qualify for that, I had to go to a doctor and have them check me over for a “statement of physical fitness”. I passed! Chubby and old I may be, but at least I am not about to drop over dead.

The next step is the “physical agility” test in April:

  • Climb a six foot barrier
  • Complete a one-quarter mile run/walk
  • Jump a four foot culvert
  • Dry-fire a police pistol
  • Drag or carry a “human simulator” (a 155 pound weight)

The first four activities must be completed in three and a half minutes, while the human simulator drag has to be completed in under one minute.

I am pretty excited about this.