With the attitude that the current US administration takes toward spying on its own citizens, and the poor record that the US government in general has with abiding by the limits imposed on its power, if there’s one word that ought to give every American (and resident alien) the willies, it’s “biosurveillance”. It conjures up the nightmarish of convergence between biometric identification and universal surveillance — a convergence that gets nearer to reality every day. However, the Department of Homeland Security is actually trying to live up to its mandate with this project. The goal of this surveillance is not the American populace, but the biosphere around us.
If bird flu erupts in the United States, the Homeland Security Department’s access to real-time data will be vital in spotting its emergence.
With that in mind, DHS is developing the National Biosurveillance Integration System to track and combine data it will receive electronically from several agencies’ public health, food, animal, air and water monitoring systems.
The ambitious system, designed to give DHS a national biosurveillance picture, is a critical piece of the administration’s strategy for responding to a pandemic such as avian flu. But the technology, policy and culture change associated with the system will present challenges for DHS.
The system is designed to aggregate and integrate information from local, state and federal agencies’ bio-monitoring systems and combine it with data from the intelligence community, said Kimothy Smith, DHS chief veterinarian, chief scientist and acting deputy chief medical officer.
(from Government Computer News, DHS lays the groundwork for biosurveillance
That’s pretty darned cool.