[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Tuesday, 2013-02-26

MystiCon 2013 panels

Filed under: Conventions — bblackmoor @ 08:08

I was a Gaming guest at MystiCon 2013 in Roanoke, VA. With the permission of my fellow panelists, I recorded most of the panels I was on. I hope you find them interesting.


  • Gaming For Beginners
    (Bob Flack (M), Steve Long, Brandon Blackmoor, Rachael Hixon, Greg Porter)
  • Game Development
    (Brandon Blackmoor (M), Mike McPhail, John Meagher, Charles Matheny, Greg Porter)



Friday, 2013-02-22

MystiCon 2013 schedule

Filed under: Conventions,Friends,Gaming,Travel — bblackmoor @ 11:52

Here is my MystiCon 2013 schedule, in case you are interested in that sort of thing.

Fri 8:00 PM
Ballroom D
Gaming for Beginners

Fri 9:00 PM
Ballroom E
Game Development

Sat 10:00 AM
Ballroom C
A Conversation with Steve Long (I’m interviewing him)

Sat 1:00 PM
Ballroom D
Blog Much?

Sat 10:00 PM
Boardroom 1
Ouch! You Bit Me! A Zombie Survival Guide

Sun 10:00 AM
Ballroom C
The Artistry of Gaming

Sun 12:00 PM
Ballroom E
No Shirt, No Shoes, No Entry ‐ Business Etiquette

Sun 1:00 PM
Boardroom 1
If They Came in Saucers, Why Are We Smarter?

Monday, 2013-02-18

Happy Epicurus’ Birthday!

Filed under: Fine Living — bblackmoor @ 12:02
Bust of Epicurus

I have decided to start a new holiday: Epicurus’ Birthday. Henceforth, Epicurus’ Birthday will be celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of the philosopher Epicurus, the ancient Greek philosopher and the founder of the school of philosophy called Epicureanism. His school was the first of the ancient Greek philosophical schools to admit women as a rule rather than an exception.

For Epicurus, the purpose of philosophy was to attain the happy, tranquil life, characterized by ataraxia—peace and freedom from fear—and aponia—the absence of pain—and by living a self-sufficient life surrounded by friends. He taught that pleasure and pain are the measures of what is good and evil; death is the end of both body and soul and should therefore not be feared; the gods do not reward or punish humans; the universe is infinite and eternal; and events in the world are ultimately based on the motions and interactions of atoms moving in empty space.

(From Epicurus, Wikipedia)

Friday, 2013-02-15

FEMA camps and the threat of tyranny

Filed under: History,Politics — bblackmoor @ 15:00

First, let me be clear: there are no secret (or not so secret) FEMA prison camps, and if there were secret prison camps, they would be operated by the military, not by FEMA. So let’s just move that conspiracy theory off to the side, because the whole “FEMA prison camp” thing is at least two different flavors of nonsense.

However, the suggestion that such a thing could never happen here ignores a very important fact: it has already happened here.

There are people alive today who remember when FDR issued an executive order to arrest and imprison tens of thousands of US citizens (and nearly as many legal immigrants) without trial or due process of any kind — and in 1944 the US Supreme Court declared this a valid exercise of Executive power under the authority granted him by the US Constitution. That didn’t happen in Stalinist Russia or Nazi Germany — that happened here (the USA).

So while stories about FEMA internment camps is a bunch of crackpot nonsense, I think it takes a special sort of hubris to think something like that could never happen here again.

Friday, 2013-02-01

‘US a police state, Obama consciously allows torture’ – CIA veteran John Kiriakou

Filed under: Civil Rights,Politics,Society — bblackmoor @ 13:16

Ten years ago, the idea of the US government spying on its citizens, intercepting their emails or killing them with drones was unthinkable. But now it’s business as usual, says John Kiriakou, a former CIA agent and torture whistleblower.

Kiriakou is now awaiting a summons to start a prison sentence. One of the first to confirm the existence of Washington’s waterboarding program, he was sentenced last week to two-and-a-half years in jail for revealing the name of an undercover agent. But even if he had another chance, he would have done the same thing again…

(from ‘US a police state, Obama consciously allows torture’ – CIA veteran John Kiriakou, RT.com)


Filed under: Comics — bblackmoor @ 00:07

Favorite comic of the past ten years: Thunderbolts. It was sometimes uneven, but they kept the title fresh and interesting for fifteen years, and that’s no mean feat. The cast changed from time to time, and a lot of characters came and went over the years, but for the most part the core team was consistent right up to the end. The development of those four characters was interesting and while not perfect, it was rarely disappointing. The comic also introduced me to some characters that I had never seen center stage before but which I really wound up liking, like Satanna and Moonstone. They wrapped up the series in December with a satisfying ending. Well done, Marvel.