[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Tuesday, 2015-01-27

Raise the minimum wage to $15/hr

Filed under: Philosophy,Society — bblackmoor @ 09:20

I think people who persist in clinging to theories that have been soundly refuted by facts should not be called “economists”: they should be called “philosophers”. The consensus among economists is that raising the minimum wage has little or no effect upon employment — because the evidence demonstrates that it does not. The reasons why that is the case are varied, but a major one is that at the lowest-paid end of the employment spectrum, the demand for labor is inelastic. If it takes three people to perform a task, paying them $10/hr won’t make the task require fewer people.

Employment vs increased minimum wage

The chart above shows the results of more than 1,400 different studies. The x-axis shows the size of the employment effect, and the y-axis shows that statistical power of the analysis.

The results have clustered around the finding that a moderate wage increase — in line with the administration’s proposal to increase the minimum rate in 95-cent increments — has zero effect on total employment. And the higher a study’s statistical power, the more likely it is to fall on the line showing zero effect.

“I really think that’s a very compelling takeaway,” said Hall, who has testified before multiple state legislatures on the issue. “It puts the lie to the notion that it’s going to be a tremendous job killer.”

(From 1,400 Real World Minimum Wage Increases Show No Impact on Employment, Fiscal Times

Personally, I would go with $15/hr. There is no reason in the world that taxpayers should be footing the bill to make up for the below-subsistence wages paid by employers like Wal-Mart (Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance). Increase the minimum wage to a responsible level and put the cost of doing business on the business, where it belongs.

Systematically oppressing the bulk of a population is not only morally indefensible, but terribly short-sighted. There are not enough firearms in this country to protect the rich (or just the reasonably comfortable) from the poor, if the poor decide they’ve had enough. Personally, I’d favor raising the minimum wage to $15/hr, eliminating loopholes that allow employers to pay even less than the minimum wage, and then pegging it to the Consumer Price Index (although someone should take a close look at how CPI is calculated to make sure that’s not being manipulated).

Sunday, 2015-01-25

You are what you do

Filed under: Philosophy,Politics — bblackmoor @ 00:41

It has come to my attention that there are people who think what someone says actually matters. Allow me to educate you: what someone says does not matter. What they do matters. What someone says is only important if it has been shown to accurately reflect what they do. For example, PETA says they are advocates for animals’ rights, but what they do is kill every animal they can. For another example, the Republican party says it stands for smaller government, but what it does is expand the power and cost of government at every turn.

You are what you do, not what what you say. Aristotle knew this 2400 years ago: so what’s your problem?

Friday, 2015-01-23

Do not stretch 4:3 images to fit 16:9 screens

Filed under: Technology,Television — bblackmoor @ 09:15

I was at a restaurant once, and the widescreen TVs were set to non-widescreen stations, with the image squashed vertically (or stretched horizontally, potayto potahto) to fit. That was bad enough. But then the show itself had a person standing in front of a TV (it was some kind of “news” show or something), and THAT TV was a widescreen TV showing a squashed 4:3 image.

How can anyone not notice how wrong this is?


Do not stretch 4:3 images to fit 16:9 screens

Monday, 2015-01-19

A handful of figures

Filed under: Art,Gaming — bblackmoor @ 18:29

I do not paint miniatures anymore. It takes me a very long time, and I simply have too many projects as it is.

Still, by the time I stopped, I think I had gotten pretty good at it. Below are the painted figures I have held on to, from oldest to newest. The oldest was painted in the early 1990s. The most recent was painted in 2009 or so.

2015-01-17_14-11-24 2015-01-17_14-12-12 2015-01-17_14-13-06 2015-01-17_14-13-50 2015-01-17_14-15-42 2015-01-17_14-16-06 2015-01-17_14-16-16