I am currently working on an electronic fillable character sheet for Fantasy Age. I think I have the Mage sheet just about done: the Rogue and Warrior sheets will be next.
In the meantime, perhaps you will find these new arcana (spells) interesting.
Demonology Arcana
Harness the powers of Evil.
- Novice: Learn Demonic Servant and Hellish Vitality.
- Journeyman: Learn Conjure Hellfire; gain the focus Intelligence (Demonology Arcana).
- Master: Learn Demonic Warrior; one spell stunt at -1 SP when casting Demonology Arcana spells.
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net
Demonic Servant
- Requirements: Demonology Arcana (Novice)
- Type: Utility
- Cost: 2/hr
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 8
- Range: 20 yds
- Test: None
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Arcane Lantern, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
You summon a minor winged demon to serve your earthly needs. The demon has 0 in all attributes, is invisible, and will return to whence it came if it is attacked or it is commanded to attack. The demon can accomplish any simple task, such as cooking, cleaning, opening and closing windows, starting fires, carrying burdens, and so on, and it will perform these tasks to the best of its ability. The demon has a Speed of 8, and it can fly, but if commanded or forced to go more than 20 yards from you, it will return to whence it came. Your demonic servant will attend to your needs for one hour, but its stay can be extended for 2 MP per additional hour.
Hellish Vitality
- Requirements: Demonology Arcana (Novice)
- Type: Enhancement
- Cost: 3-9
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 10
- Range:
- Test: None
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Healing Touch, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
Your body is invigorated with demonic energy, making you unnaturally resilient. You can choose to spend up to 9 MPs when you cast the spell. For each 3 MP spent, you gain 3d6 Health. This additional Health is lost at the end of the encounter, but can not reduce your Health below its normal maximum. You can only cast this on yourself.
Conjure Hellfire
- Requirements: Demonology Arcana (Journeyman)
- Type: Attack
- Cost: 7
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 15
- Range: 30 yds
- Test: Willpower (Faith) vs. Spellpower
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Lightning Bolt, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
A sulfurous blast of hellfire spews from your outstretched hand or arcane device to strike a single visible target within 30 yards of you. The hellfire inflicts 2d6 + Willpower penetrating damage. A target that makes a successful Willpower (Faith) test vs. your Spellpower only takes 1d6 + Willpower penetrating damage. Rather than using it to attack, you may instead use your hellfire to ignite all torches, candles, fire pits, pyres, and other such prepared combustible materials within 30 yards of you.
Demonic Warrior
- Requirements: Demonology Arcana (Master)
- Type: Utility
- Cost: 15
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 15
- Range: 10 yds
- Test: None
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Awaken Tree, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
You summon a soldier demon (see Chapter 9: Adversaries). It is friendly to you and obedient to your commands for the duration of the encounter. At the end of the encounter, or when it reaches zero Health, the soldier demon returns to wherever it came from.
Enchantment Arcana
The power to confound and beguile.
- Novice: Learn Beguile and Influence.
- Journeyman: Learn Sleep; gain the focus Intelligence (Enchantment Arcana).
- Master: Learn Enthrall; one spell stunt at -1 SP when casting Enchantment Arcana spells.
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net
- Requirements: Enchantment Arcana (Novice)
- Type: Attack
- Cost: 2
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 11
- Range: 10 yds
- Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower
- Source: Dragon Age Players Guide
You ensorcell one visible target within 10 yards. A target that makes a successful Willpower (Self-Discipline) test vs. your Spellpower is slightly confused and suffers a -1 penalty on all ability tests until the beginning of your next turn. A target that fails the test suffers the same penalty and cannot take any actions on his next turn.
- Requirements: Enchantment Arcana (Novice)
- Type: Enhancement
- Cost: 4+
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 10
- Range: 6 yds
- Test: None
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Spell Ward, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
You can weave a glamour that lends weight to your words and actions. You gain a +2 bonus on all Communication tests directed at one target of your choice. This bonus lasts until the end of the encounter. By expending additional MP, you can extend this benefit to more targets: 2 MP per additional target, up to a number of targets equal to your Willpower. If you have the Enchantment Arcana focus, you can extend this benefit to two more targets, or alternately increase the spell’s bonus to +3. You can only cast this on yourself.
- Requirements: Enchantment Arcana (Journeyman)
- Type: Attack
- Cost: 3+
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 11
- Range: 20 yds
- Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs. Spellpower
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Ensnaring Roots, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
A target within 20 yards must make a successful Constitution (Stamina) test vs. your Willpower or fall unconscious until the end of the encounter, until the sleeper takes damage, or until someone uses a major action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. Additional targets within 20 yards may be affected for +3 MP per target.
- Requirements: Enchantment Arcana (Master)
- Type: Attack
- Cost: 11
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 17
- Range: 6 yds
- Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Yora http://roninarmy.com/threads/2878-Idea-for-a-Mind-Arcana
You bewitch the target of the spell, bending their will to your own. If the target fails a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test against your Spellpower, they become your devoted servant. You may issue orders to the target, and they will do their best to obey; if not under any specific orders, the target will try to serve you faithfully to the best of their ability. Any time the target is ordered to do something that would cause serious harm to themselves or their friends and allies, or that would put them at extreme risk, or that would force them to violate their most devoutly held beliefs, they can make another Willpower (Self-Discipline) test against your Spellpower: success on this test ends the spell. What the target considers serious harm or extreme risk depends on how they perceive the situation, and they can be tricked into breaking the spell even if no actual threat is present. You can maintain a number of thralls equal to your Willpower at any one time.
Frost Arcana
The world will end in ice.
- Novice: Learn Frost Cloud and Quick Freeze.
- Journeyman: Learn Ice Sculpture; gain the focus Intelligence (Frost Arcana).
- Master: Learn Ice Storm; one spell stunt at -1 SP when casting Frost Arcana spells.
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net
Frost Cloud
- Requirements: Frost Arcana (Novice)
- Type: Attack
- Cost: 4
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 13
- Range: 20 yds
- Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs. Spellpower
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Jolt and Shock Blast, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
You create a cloud of freezing mist in a 6 yard by 6 yard area within 20 yards of you for 5 minutes. Anyone in this area takes 2 penetrating damage each round and suffers a -2 penalty to Perception (Seeing) tests. Targets that make a successful Constitution (Stamina) test each round vs. your Spellpower only suffer a -2 penalty to Perception (Seeing) tests during that round.
Quick Freeze
- Requirements: Frost Arcana (Novice)
- Type: Utility
- Cost: 3
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 10
- Range: 6 yds
- Test: None
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Arcane Spring and Regrowth, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
You cause an inanimate object up to 2 yards by 2 yards by 2 yards (8 cubic yards) in volume to freeze solid in an instant. This causes a volume of water to freeze into solid ice, and causes objects like doors and chests to be difficult to open, requiring a Strength (Might) test vs. your Spellpower.
Ice Sculpture
- Requirements: Frost Arcana (Journeyman)
- Type: Defense
- Cost: 6
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 11
- Range: 6 yds
- Test: Strength (Might) vs. Spellpower
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Water Wall, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
You conjure a solid mass of ice, up to 3 yards long and 1 yard wide. It may be any contiguous shape, such as a swan, mermaid, or wall. Anyone attempting to smash the ice sculpture or break through it must make a Strength (Might) test vs. your Spellpower. If you cast this spell more than once in an encounter, you can link together the sculptures into one continuous mass of ice. The ice sculpture lasts until the end of the encounter, at which point it will begin melting at the normal rate.
Ice Storm
- Requirements: Frost Arcana (Master)
- Type: Attack
- Cost: 11+
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 15
- Range: 50 yds
- Test: Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs. Spellpower
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Firestorm, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
You create a brutal hailstorm with a 4-yard radius anywhere within 50 yards of you. Anyone caught in the area takes 2d6+Willpower damage and suffers a -5 penalty to Speed for one round. This spell normally lasts for one round but for 5 MP, paid at the start of your subsequent turns as a free action, you may extend the duration by an additional round.
Illusion Arcana
Seeing is believing.
- Novice: Learn Minor Illusion and Phantasm.
- Journeyman: Learn Grand Illusion; gain the focus Intelligence (Illusion Arcana).
- Master: Learn Nightmare; one spell stunt at -1 SP when casting Illusion Arcana spells.
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net
- Requirements: Illusion Arcana (Novice)
- Type: Attack
- Cost: 4
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 12
- Range: 20 yds
- Test: Willpower (Courage) vs. Spellpower
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Flame Blast, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
You bring into being an illusory monster which claws and bites one target within 20 yards. The target takes 2d6+1 damage. Targets that make a successful Willpower (Courage) test vs. your Spellpower only take 1d6+1 damage.
Petty Illusion
- Requirements: Illusion Arcana (Novice)
- Type: Utility
- Cost: 3+
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 8
- Range: 20 yds
- Test: Perception (Seeing) vs Spellpower
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Forest Blend, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook, and Maliloki http://roninarmy.com/threads/2710-Cold-Arcana?p=112049&viewfull=1#post112049
You create an illusion up to 2 yards by 2 yards by 2 yards in volume within 20 yards of you. The illusion may not move from its original location, but it may incorporate stationary movement (such as waving or shifting its weight). You can incorporate sounds into the illusion for +2 MP at the time of casting. The illusion can be programmed with a set motion, or controlled if the caster stays within range. A target who has a reason to doubt the reality of the illusion and who makes a successful Perception (Seeing) test vs. your Spellpower will realize that the illusion has no substance. The illusion lasts for one minute, but can be extended for 1 MP per additional minute.
Grand Illusion
- Requirements: Illusion Arcana (Journeyman)
- Type: Utility
- Cost: 6+
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 13
- Range: 30 yds
- Test: Perception (Seeing) vs Spellpower
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Veil Of Darkness, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook, and Maliloki http://roninarmy.com/threads/2710-Cold-Arcana?p=112049&viewfull=1#post112049
You create an illusion up to 20 yards by 20 yards by 20 yards in volume within 30 yards of you. The illusion may not move from its original location, but it may incorporate stationary movement (such as waving or shifting its weight). You can incorporate both sounds and smells into the illusion for +4 MP at the time of casting. The illusion can be programmed with a set motion, or controlled if the caster stays within range. A target who has a reason to doubt the reality of the illusion and who makes a successful Perception (Seeing) test vs. your Spellpower will realize that the illusion has no substance. The illusion lasts for one hour, but can be extended for 2 MP per additional hour.
Waking Nightmare
- Requirements: Illusion Arcana (Master)
- Type: Attack
- Cost: 15
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 15
- Range: 50 yds
- Test: Willpower (Courage) vs. Spellpower
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Jason “Wired Wolf” Hanks https://www.dropbox.com/s/5bjgupwu48oly9z/The_Veil_Codex.pdf?dl=0
You overwhelm a target within 50 yards with visions of their darkest fears. Until the target succeeds on a Willpower (Courage) test vs. your Spellpower, they can do nothing but cower in fear. Each turn the target remains under the effect of the waking nightmare, they take 2 penetrating damage. A target failing the initial test may try again at the start of each of their turns until they successfuly face their fears and end the spell.
Shapeshifting Arcana
To improve is to change.
- Novice: Learn Disguise and Shifting Priorities.
- Journeyman: Learn Protean Gifts; gain the focus Intelligence (Shapeshifting Arcana).
- Master: Learn True Shape; one spell stunt at -1 SP when casting Shapeshifting Arcana spells.
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net
- Requirements: Shapeshifting Arcana (Novice)
- Type: Enhancement
- Cost: 3+
- Casting Time: Major Action
- Target Number: 10
- Range:
- Test: None
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Arcane Lantern and Stone Cloak, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
Your flesh ripples and flows, allowing you to become thicker or thinner and up to a foot shorter or taller. You can change your hair length, your features, your race, and even your gender, but you can’t change your basic biology: you can’t change the number or location of your limbs, for example, nor can you change your flesh into wood or stone. If you have the Shapeshifting Arcana focus, you can attempt to mimic the appearance of another creature you have seen. Anyone with a reason to suspect that you are not who you appear to be can attempt an opposed Perception (Seeing) test against your Communication (Disguise) test; you may add your Shapeshifting Arcana focus to this Communication (Disguise) test. Disguise lasts for one hour, but can be extended for 2 MP per additional hour. You can only cast this on yourself.
Shifting Priorities
- Requirements: Shapeshifting Arcana (Novice)
- Type: Enhancement
- Cost: 6+
- Casting Time: 1 minute
- Target Number: 11
- Range:
- Test: None
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Stone Cloak and Voices of the Wind, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
Your magically restructure your body, re-arranging your physical form to fit your needs of the moment. You may reduce your Constitution, Dexterity, and/or Strength, and then increase your Constitution, Dexterity, and/or Strength by the same amount. No attribute may be reduced below -2. This spell normally lasts for one minute, but you may extend the duration for 1 MP per additional minute. You can only cast this on yourself.
Protean Gifts
- Requirements: Shapeshifting Arcana (Journeyman)
- Type: Enhancement
- Cost: 8+
- Casting Time: 1 minute
- Target Number: 12
- Range:
- Test: None
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Strings Of Fate and Winds Of Flight, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
You magically warp your body to gain a bestial form and associated abilities. You may select one of the following benefits, or another of similar usefulness with the GM’s approval.
- Alate: You grow wings, which may be either feathered or leathery at your choice. You gain a flying Speed equal to your Willpower. You must use the rules for flying found in Chapter 2: Basic Rules, though you retain your land speed while on the ground.
- Aquatic: Your fingers and toes elongate and become webbed, your skin becomes rubbery and smooth, and gills grow on your chest or throat. You are able to breathe either water or air, you can survive comfortably in the icy deep, and you gain a swimming Speed of 8 + Willpower. You also gain the focus Constitution (Swimming).
- Ferocious: You grow claws, horns, spines, tusks, or another natural weapon of your choice. Your natural weaponry counts as a magic weapon (so it could hit incorporeal creatures, for example), and you are considered trained in the weapon. Striking an opponent with your natural weaponry requires an Accuracy (Brawling) test, and inflicts 2d6 + Strength damage (you can substitute Willpower for Strength when inflicting damage, if you wish).
Protean gifts lasts for 1 hour and you can extend it for up to 5 hours for a cost of 2 MP per hour. You can only cast this on yourself.
True Shape
- Requirements: Shapeshifting Arcana (Master)
- Type: Enhancement
- Cost: 15+
- Casting Time: 1 minute
- Target Number: 15
- Range:
- Test: None
- Source: Brandon Blackmoor bblackmoor@blackgate.net, based on Arcane Circle and Winds Of Flight, Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook
The fabric of your physical body magically transforms into any shape or substance you wish, whether animal, vegetable, or mineral. You may grow to the size of an elephant, or shrink to the size of a gnat. Your physical attributes (Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength) become those of your new form, and you gain any other physical abilities of that form, such as flight, armor, and natural weaponry. If you are reduced to zero Health in your new form, the spell automatically ends, and your are returned to your original form at one-half of your normal Health (rounded down); otherwise, one-half of any damage (rounded down) taken by your new form is applied to your natural form when the spell ends, applied proportionately. For example, if you lose fifty percent of your Health while an elephant, you will lose twenty-five percent of your normal Health when you return to your original form. True shape lasts for 1 hour, althogh you may choose to end it early, and you can extend it for up to 5 hours for a cost of 2 MP per hour. You can only cast this on yourself.