Both sides are the same
“Both sides are the same”?
- Only one party has had 120 criminal indictments of Executive Branch officials, 89 criminal convictions, and 34 prison sentences in the last five decades (as of the last time I looked into it — it has gone up since then).
- Only one party is devoted to oppressing women.
- Only one party is pillaging public services for the private gain of billionaires.
- Only one party is deliberately refusing to participate in the government of the USA by sabotaging the legislative process.
- Only one party is obsessed with ridiculous conspiracy theories.
- Only one party’s Presidents have consistently left the USA with much more debt than it had when they started (Clinton left office with a surplus, while Reagan, George W. Bush, and Trump have all run up huge debts).
- Only one party is overtly, blatantly, PROUDLY racist.
- Only one party is aggressively anti-science.
- Only one party calls Nazis “fine people”.
- Only one party places grossly unqualified people in charge of government agencies with the purpose of destroying those agencies.
- Only one party is steadfastly, maniacally devoted to lies, hatred, and death.
I’ll put this as nicely as I can: if you say “both sides are the same”, within the context of political parties in the USA in the 21st century, you are just as responsible for the fall of the United States as the Republicans are.