[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Thursday, 2024-05-16

Like tears in the rain

Filed under: Art,Philosophy,Society — bblackmoor @ 15:14

A pity that it ended with books. Most of the art and literature created in the past century will be lost forever within the next century. Not because it was written with vibrations in the air or painted with light, but because we have ceded our cultural heritage to a handful of sociopathic billionaires (Disney, Comcast, Sony, Warner Brothers), who would — and have, and will — destroy works of art rather than fail to make a profit from them.

It’s a shame, and it was avoidable.

Ah, well.

Friday, 2024-05-10

Backwards and on one wheel

Filed under: Philosophy,Science,Society — bblackmoor @ 14:32

I wish Americans were a little less fixated on 18th century concepts of political science, civic engagement, and natural philosophy.

Front wheel backward bike descend