[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Tuesday, 2024-07-02

On the long-term sabotage of the US judicial system

Filed under: History,Politics — bblackmoor @ 13:13

We are about 15-20 years too late to change anything, but if you are curious how this started, it was during the Clinton administration.
http://www.cnn.com/US/9709/27/clinton.radio/ (CNN, 1997)

Mitch McConnell, then the Senate minority leader, helped make judicial sabotage a priority for Republicans when President Obama was elected.
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/when-basic-governance-deemed-controversial-flna6c10205110 (NBC News, 2013)

And it worked, because Democrats failed to realize that they were no longer dealing with Reagan Republicans, but were instead dealing with an increasingly deranged death cult. So they continued to rely on appeals to reason, to compromise, and to putting the good of the country ahead of (most of) their political differences.

I learned an important lesson from a boy named Brian in the sixth grade: bullies see an appeal to reason as an explicit invitation to continue the bullying. They do not care about reason, or compromise, or making the world better. They just want to be the ones doing the punching, and most people are content to stand by and watch and do nothing.

And so they have.

Best Republican President Ever

Thursday, 2024-05-16

Like tears in the rain

Filed under: Art,Philosophy,Society — bblackmoor @ 15:14

A pity that it ended with books. Most of the art and literature created in the past century will be lost forever within the next century. Not because it was written with vibrations in the air or painted with light, but because we have ceded our cultural heritage to a handful of sociopathic billionaires (Disney, Comcast, Sony, Warner Brothers), who would — and have, and will — destroy works of art rather than fail to make a profit from them.

It’s a shame, and it was avoidable.

Ah, well.

Friday, 2024-05-10

Backwards and on one wheel

Filed under: Philosophy,Science,Society — bblackmoor @ 14:32

I wish Americans were a little less fixated on 18th century concepts of political science, civic engagement, and natural philosophy.

Front wheel backward bike descend

Monday, 2024-02-19

Happy Epicurus’ Birthday!

Filed under: Fine Living,Philosophy — bblackmoor @ 00:01
Bust of Epicurus

I celebrate Epicurus’ Birthday on the third Monday of February, in honor of the philosopher Epicurus, the ancient Greek philosopher and the founder of the school of philosophy called Epicureanism. His school was the first of the ancient Greek philosophical schools to admit women as a rule rather than an exception.

For Epicurus, the purpose of philosophy was to attain the happy, tranquil life, characterized by ataraxia — “peace and freedom from fear” — and aponia — “the absence of pain” — and by living a self-sufficient life surrounded by friends. He taught that pleasure and pain are the measures of what is good and evil; death is the end of both body and soul and should therefore not be feared; the gods do not reward or punish humans; the universe is infinite and eternal; and events in the world are ultimately based on the motions and interactions of atoms moving in empty space.

(From Epicurus, Wikipedia)

Saturday, 2024-01-20

Color scheme for Minimal Theme for Obsidian

Filed under: Programming,Software,Writing — bblackmoor @ 13:11

I have created a color scheme for Minimal Theme for Obsidian. I mainly use Obsidian on my Boox Tab Ultra tablet, which is an e-ink device. My intention is to create a very high contrast theme that is easily legible on an e-ink device like the Boox, while also being attractive enough for desktop or color tablet use.

The theme is nowhere near as colorful as most themes. If you like everything to be a different color, this theme is probably not your cup of tea.

This is written as a CSS snippet, but my hope is that the author of Minimal will eventually allow this theme to be added to the core Minimal color schemes. Obsidian really needs a clear, readable color scheme for e-ink devices. That’s what I want, in any case.

I have posted the CSS file to my github page. If pasted into the theme.css file in Minimal (between gruvbox and macos), the code looks like this…

.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light{--color-red-rgb:145,28,28;--color-orange-rgb:145,28,28;--color-yellow-rgb:145,28,28;--color-green-rgb:21,83,83;--color-cyan-rgb:21,83,83;--color-blue-rgb:21,83,83;--color-purple-rgb:126,32,126;--color-pink-rgb:126,32,126;--color-red:#911c1c;--color-orange:#911c1c;--color-yellow:#911c1c;--color-green:#155353;--color-cyan:#155353;--color-blue:#155353;--color-purple:#7e207e;--color-pink:#7e207e}.theme-dark.minimal-kalos-greyscale-dark{--color-red-rgb:253,245,245;--color-orange-rgb:253,245,245;--color-yellow-rgb:253,245,245;--color-green-rgb:235,250,250;--color-cyan-rgb:235,250,250;--color-blue-rgb:235,250,250;--color-purple-rgb:252,245,252;--color-pink-rgb:252,245,252;--color-red:#fdf5f5;--color-orange:#fdf5f5;--color-yellow:#fdf5f5;--color-green:#ebfafa;--color-cyan:#ebfafa;--color-blue:#ebfafa;--color-purple:#fcf5fc;--color-pink:#fcf5fc}.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light{--base-h:0;--base-s:0;--base-l:100%;--accent-h:240;--accent-s:60%;--accent-l:10%;--bg1:#fbfbfe;--bg2:#f8f8fd;--bg3:rgba(255,255,255,.5);--ui1:#0a0a29;--ui2:#18185f;--ui3:#000;--tx1:#000;--tx2:#222;--tx3:#3d3d3d;--hl1:rgba(105,105,217,.5);--hl2:rgba(169,169,233,.5)}.theme-dark.minimal-kalos-greyscale-dark,.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light.minimal-light-contrast .mod-left-split,.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light.minimal-light-contrast .titlebar,.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light.minimal-light-contrast .workspace-drawer.mod-left,.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light.minimal-light-contrast .workspace-ribbon.mod-left:not(.is-collapsed),.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light.minimal-light-contrast.minimal-status-off .status-bar{--base-h:0;--base-s:0;--base-l:0;--accent-h:240;--accent-s:100%;--accent-l:100%;--bg1:#050514;--bg2:#0a0a29;--bg3:rgba(0,0,0,.5);--ui1:#fbfbfe;--ui2:#18185f;--ui3:#fff;--tx1:#fff;--tx2:#fdfdfd;--tx3:#fafafa;--hl1:rgba(105,105,217,.5);--hl2:rgba(169,169,233,.5)}.theme-dark.minimal-kalos-greyscale-dark.minimal-dark-black{--ui1:#000}

Tuesday, 2024-01-02

Hammer Of Grammar

Filed under: Gaming,Humour — bblackmoor @ 20:39

In 2007, Meghan O’Hara created ten web comics devoted to the online game World of Warcraft. That web site disappeared before the end of the year, and I thought it was lost forever.

Some remain lost, including “Munter Aggro” and “Eloquence”, but some have been found. Here for your enjoyment is what I have been able to find of Meghan O’Hara’s Hammer of Grammar

(These are thumbnails. They are links. Click them.)

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