No tobacco users need apply
A letter I sent this morning to the governor and my state representatibes:
It has come to my attention that Hamilton Beach, which is headquartered in Richmond, practices blatant employment discrimination.
In their listing for an opening for IS Windows/Storage Administrator (posted on their web site 2009-08-09), they state:
“We do not consider candidates who use tobacco products.”
I do not use tobacco products myself, but I strongly believe that no employer has the right to ask about an applicant’s off-hours activities or to exclude them from consideration for legal, private, off-hours behavior. We are already subjected to the humiliation of so-called “drug testing” by nearly every potential employer — must we now submit to even more invasions of our privacy for the privilege of earning an honest living?
Please introduce legislation which makes ALL invasions of an applicant’s privacy by a potential employer illegal.
As if “drug testing” applicants was not bad enough…