[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Friday, 2006-04-14

The Wraith

Filed under: Movies — bblackmoor @ 00:03

The WraithI’m watching The Wraith, the Charlie Sheen/Sherilyn Fenn movie that (in my opinion) inspired the movie The Crow (much more so than the eponymous comicbook). It has some great lines.

Gutterboy: Skank!
Skank: Yeah.
Gutterboy: Who is that guy?
Skank: I don’t know. But whoever he was, he’s weird and pissed off.

Here’s another:

Skank: Man, I smell a cop. Do you smell a cop?
Gutterboy: I smell french fries, Skank, but that don’t make no sense, huh?

The Wraith is a classic 1980s supernatural revenge movie with a rockin’ soundtrack. It just doesn’t get any better than this.

As I’m writing this, the Wraith just took out his second victim, and I just noticed something: the big air intake turbocharger thing on the Firebird is a prop. Nothing on it moves. I never noticed that before.