[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Saturday, 2015-06-13

Ten things I learned from Mad Max: Fury Road

Filed under: Movies — bblackmoor @ 21:03

Mad Max Fury Road poster

Ten things I learned from Mad Max: Fury Road…

  1. Bad people are ugly; good people are pretty.
  2. Pretty redheads have the power to turn a bad person into a good person (if the bad person was not actually that ugly to begin with).
  3. Gasoline and bullets are mandatory; food and water are optional.
  4. Breast milk can be used as a medium of exchange. (Eeeuuw.)
  5. Spitting gasoline into a carburetor makes a car go faster.
  6. Pouring thousands of gallons of water on the ground in the middle of the desert is not ridiculously wasteful: it is performance art (see #3).
  7. Never leave your citadel undefended.
  8. When starting a post-apocalyptic cult, marketing is essential. A simple but distinctive logo is vital; a thematically similar mask is also helpful in establishing the “brand”.
  9. When running a post-apocalyptic cult, it is important not to get personally involved in “away” missions.
  10. Being a pretty young woman in a post-apocalyptic cult is horrible. Being anyone else in a post-apocalyptic cult is worse. If you can’t be the one who started it, it’s best to just stay away.