[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Thursday, 2024-10-24

Project Wraith: sound deadening and trunk handle

Filed under: Cars,Project Wraith — bblackmoor @ 21:14

See also: 2023 Mustang GT Projects

Today I finished two projects that I started weeks ago. The first one was installation of some sound deadening material. The second one was the installation of a pull handle for the trunk lid. I made some mistakes, but nothing anyone will see. Overall, I am pleased with it.

Here is what I used for the handle, plus a couple of M6 nuts and washers ($9.99): https://amzn.to/4eV0xxx

Here is what I used for the sound deadening ($27.40): https://amzn.to/3Up3bTM

Saturday, 2024-10-19

Project Wraith: stainless steel window trim

Filed under: Cars,Project Wraith — bblackmoor @ 18:06

See also: 2023 Mustang GT Projects

Today’s big exhausting project was installing stainless steel window trim from AliExpress (aka China). I am pleased with how it turned out. I cleaned the rubber thoroughly with Dawn beforehand, and I used 3M Adhesive Promoter. Hopefully, that will help them keep from flying off the car at freeway speeds. We shall see…

Until then, I love how this looks. It’s not perfect, but it does not need to be. 🙂

Thursday, 2024-10-17

Project Wraith: BMR Jacking Rails

Filed under: Cars,Project Wraith — bblackmoor @ 20:35

See also: 2023 Mustang GT Projects

Today’s big exhausting project was installing a pair of BMR Super Low Profile Chassis Jacking Rails (Black Hammertone, Item # 398165, $178.96 incl. tax and shipping). It went super smoothly: only four bolts on each side. It took me around 90 minutes.

My new floor jack arrived today, too: a Husky 3 Ton Low Profile Floor Jack, (Black, Model # HD00120-DIP, $199.02 incl. tax and shipping). The Mustang weighs 1,000 lb more than the Tiburon did, and I didn’t trust my old jack. Look at this beast! Woot!

Thursday, 2024-10-10

Mustang projects: white tail lights

Filed under: Cars,Project Wraith — bblackmoor @ 18:30

See also: 2023 Mustang GT Projects

Today’s big exhausting project was replacing my OEM red tail lights with white tail lights. Apparently it’s a European thing, but l did it for the looks, and to preserve my original tail lights (which are now safely and comfortably stored in the box the white lights were packed in). For the original Wraith, a black 2003 Hyundai Tiburon GT, I blacked out almost everything. For Wraith 2.0, a “Dark Matter Gray Metallic” Ford Mustang GT Premium, I am going for a ghostly look.

I love how this turned out.

Incidentally, the interior is looking bare because I am in the middle of a back seat deletion project. There are a lot of steps that need to be done in order, so I have to focus on doing one step at a time. Replacing the tail lights was super easy: six nuts. It took me about an hour, plus an hour or two watching YouTube videos on how to do it. 🙂

Tuesday, 2024-10-01

Semantic drift

Filed under: Society,Writing — bblackmoor @ 14:45

I think it’s interesting that terms like “Luddite” and “Uncle Tom” are misused as insults by people who know nothing about the Luddites or “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. My knee-jerk opinion is that most semantic drift is caused by ignorance, but in recent years, I think malice has become a major cause, as well (see also, “woke”).


Sunday, 2024-09-29

Mustang projects: subwoofer speaker and enclosure

Filed under: Cars,Project Wraith — bblackmoor @ 12:46

See also: 2023 Mustang GT Projects

I decided to kitbash a Pioneer TS-A250D4 10″ Dual 4 ohms Voice Coil Subwoofer into the factory subwoofer enclosure rather than spend $1200 on a JL Stealthbox. In retrospect, I’m not sure it was the best choice, but the hard part is done. Now I just have to install the amp (Kicker 46CXA400.1T) and the line output converter (AudioControl LC2i) and run the wiring.

It looks better in person. 🙂

Update #1: I decided that I was unhappy with it. I have removed the carpet and the glue, and I’ll be re-doing that.

Wednesday, 2024-09-25

Dropsync settings for Obsidian (Android)

Filed under: Android,Software,Writing — bblackmoor @ 00:54

I use Obsidian as a daily journal for my own mental health, and for writing and organizing my fiction writing. I use Dropbox with Dropsync (on Android) to sync. I write primarily on my tablet (Android, using Dropsync), and occasionally on my desktop (Windows 10). I follow these rules:

1) Set up different configuration folders for my tablet and my desktop in Obsidian under “Files and links”. (e.g., “.obsidian-ulthar” for my desktop, “.obsidian-s9fe” for my tablet).

2) Always exit Obsidian when I am done.

3) Do not use Dropsync to auto-sync on my Obsidian folder (Android only).

4) Set up my Obsidian folder in Dropsync, including hidden files.

Friday, 2024-09-20

Mustang projects: hood latch lever, visor stickers

Filed under: Cars,Project Wraith — bblackmoor @ 23:42

See also: 2023 Mustang GT Projects

The hood latch lever was a quick install. Using a heat gun to remove the stickers from my visors took a little longer, but it was easier than I expected.

Thursday, 2024-09-19

Mustang projects: license plate bracket, trickle charger port

Filed under: Cars,Project Wraith — bblackmoor @ 19:01

See also: 2023 Mustang GT Projects

I wasn’t happy with how loose the charging port for the trickle charger was, so I reinstalled it using some JB Weld (epoxy putty). I also added some corrogated wire protector while I had the plastic trim off. I’m happy with it.

I also installed the mounting plate for my front license plate (my car did not come with one). The adhesive tape needs to set for a couple of days before I can attach the plate to it.

Sunday, 2024-09-15

Mustang projects: charging port, sound tube delete

Filed under: Cars,Project Wraith — bblackmoor @ 21:14

See also: 2023 Mustang GT Projects

Trickle charger port

One of today’s projects was installing a trickle charger port on the Mustang. It’s charging now. Woot!

Sound tube delete

I also removed the sound tube. Who thought that thing was a good idea? There’s too much extraneous crap in the engine bay already.

Removing the sticker from visors

The visors are currently in the freezer. I am hoping it will allow me to peel off the stickers. If that doesn’t work, I’ll try heat. (Update: I will be trying heat.)

Remove carbon filter from intake

I had intended to remove the redundant carbon filter from the air intake, but it was already gone.

Window tint

Oh, by the way, that window tint is by Details In Motion, in Charlottesville, Virginia. I got that done this week. 😎


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