[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Friday, 2020-08-07

Definition of “redpilled”

Filed under: Philosophy,Society,Writing — bblackmoor @ 08:12

[red pild]

To internalize a set of misogynistic far-right beliefs popular with certain corners of the internet; the product of a noxious blend of junk science, conspiracy theory, and a pathological fear of social progress.

Origin and etymology of redpilled

based on the “red pill” philosophy, using a metaphor borrowed from the film The Matrix (1999)

First known use by far-right misogynists: 2012

Wednesday, 2020-07-15

Just as bad

Filed under: Philosophy,Politics — bblackmoor @ 19:56

The neighbor who doesn’t mow their lawn often enough is not “just as bad” as the neighbor who tortures and kills your dog. One is an irritation. The other is evil.

When you say that it’s unreasonable of me to keep criticizing the dog-killing neighbor (who is, at that moment, torturing and killing yet another neighbor’s dog), and when you bring up the neighbor with the unkempt lawn (which I never did), and when you say that you won’t “take sides” between the evil neighbor and literally everyone else, it does not make me angry at you. It makes me sad and confused.

I do not understand why you are obsessed with the neighbor with the unkempt lawn. I am horrified that you can make excuse after excuse for the dog-killing neighbor. I do not understand how your values became so utterly warped.

My heart is broken, and I miss the person I thought you were.

Tuesday, 2020-07-14

Slow-motion apocalypse

Filed under: Philosophy,Retirement,Society — bblackmoor @ 16:00

That’s a photo of a lava flow slowly obliterating everything it touches. That white house on the far left: that’s us.

Kilauea Volcano lava destroying houses

Friday, 2020-06-19

Do not seek marriage

Filed under: Family,Philosophy,Society,Writing — bblackmoor @ 15:25

Do not seek marriage

Seek humour
Seek dignity
Seek adventure
Seek reliability

Do not seek marriage

Seek vulnerability
Seek strength
Seek kindness
Seek lust

Do not seek marriage

Seek independence
Seek intelligence
Seek passion
Seek friendship

Do not seek marriage

Wait for it to find you
With the realization
That all it will give you
Is a label
For what you already have

Tuesday, 2019-12-31

Refusing to vote is a statement

Filed under: Philosophy,Politics,Society — bblackmoor @ 12:06

People who are fine with white nationalism will be voting.

People who are OK with kids in cages will be voting.

People who are good with Kurds being murdered will be voting.

People who are terrified of LGBTQ people will be voting.

People who believe FoxNews is objective truth will be voting.

People who think Trump was sent by God will be voting.

Politicians are NOT all “just as bad”. If you don’t vote, you are standing aside while the worst of them take your silence as consent to screw over you and your children and every living thing on the planet.

If you refuse to vote, you are making a statement. That statement is, “Do what you want with me, and my friends, and my family, and every helpless person at your mercy. I will not lift a finger to stop you.”

Republican party platform: lies, hatred, and death

Monday, 2019-12-23

White Evangelicals Want Christian Supremacy, Not “Religious Freedom”

Filed under: Civil Rights,Mythology,Philosophy,Politics,Society — bblackmoor @ 18:51

Conservative Christians believe their rights are in peril partly because that’s what they’re hearing, quite explicitly, from conservative media, religious elites, partisan commentators and some politicians, including the president. The survey evidence suggests another reason, too. Their fear comes from an inverted golden rule: Expect from others what you would do unto them. White evangelical Protestants express low levels of tolerance for atheists, which leads them to expect intolerance from atheists in return. That perception surely bolsters their support for Trump. They believe their freedom depends on keeping Trump and his party in power.

White evangelicals fear atheists and Democrats would strip away their rights. Why?, By Paul A. Djupe

To summarize, among atheists who said they loathed Christian fundamentalists more than any other religious group, 65% still said they would be perfectly fine with those Christians having the same rights as everyone else. But among white evangelicals who hated atheists the most — even more than “white supremacists” — only 32% would say the same.

This is a core difference between the two groups and it illustrates why the “both sides are the same” argument is ridiculous. We’re not equally dogmatic but on opposite sides of the spectrum. In fact, these results just emphasize a point I’ve made repeatedly on this site: Atheists fight for religious neutrality, while white evangelicals fight for Christian supremacy.

Study Shows White Evangelicals Want Christian Supremacy, Not “Religious Freedom”, By Hemant Mehta

“You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:
‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
They worship me in vain;
their teachings are merely human rules.’ “

— Matthew 15:7-9

Tuesday, 2019-11-12

What is a “soul”?

Filed under: Mythology,Philosophy — bblackmoor @ 23:42

It irks me that people so consistently misunderstand the world “soul“. A whole psuedo-religion has grown up around this misunderstanding.

Tuesday, 2019-10-15

This Halloween, be accepting, patient, and kind

Filed under: Friends,Philosophy,Society — bblackmoor @ 08:43

Be accepting, patient, and kind. Good advice any day of the year. I do not follow it as closely as I would like.

Wednesday, 2019-09-11

Grudges are for the weak

Filed under: Philosophy — bblackmoor @ 08:46

“Grudges are for the weak and self-destructive. Do you want tomorrow to be better than today? Then stop stoking the fire of yesterday’s pain.”

Brandon Blackmoor , 2019-09-11

When someone urges you to “never forget” a particular tragedy, stop and think: what exactly do they want you to remember, and why? Is it that they want to honor the memory of those who have died? Or are they trying to turn your grief into anger? Are they trying to manipulate you for your benefit, or for theirs?

What do they gain by keeping you angry?

Where are they trying to direct your anger?


Your anger might be righteous, and it might be enough to motivate you to work for change. But it might also just be an easy way for a cynical person to manipulate you.

Monday, 2019-09-09

A complex system that works

Filed under: Philosophy — bblackmoor @ 04:40

“A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.”

— John Gall, “Systemantics: How Systems Really Work and How They Fail” (1975)

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