Chicks dig the car
What you have heard is true: Batman Begins is a very good movie, and Christian Bale is too cool for school. I won’t bother repeating what everyone else has said, though: there are plenty of reviews on the web if that’s what you are looking for. But here’s something you may not have seen:
What I really love about Batman Begins is that it’s real: none of that crappy computer generated cartoon bullshit (let’s play Jeopardy: “Why did the last three Star Wars sequels suck, Alex?”). The Batman standing up on a gargoyle in Gotham City is a real guy (a stuntman). The Batmobile is a real car (several of them, actually). The fire that comes out of the jet is real fire. As How Stuff Works puts it:
The Batmobile is real. Every single time you see the Batmobile in the movie, you are seeing a real, physical object, not a computer-generated graphic. Whether it is driving on city streets at 100 mph, landing in the Batcave or pulling up to the scene of a crime, what you’re looking at is a real car. When the Batmobile flies 30 feet through the waterfall to land in the Batcave, what’s landing is a real, 5,000-pound vehicle. The Batmobile is so real that it actually served as the pace car for a major NASCAR race held in June 2005.
Now that’s just cool.