D.C. disses Supremes on gun law
it’s disheartening — actually downright disgusting — that the Mayor, the City Council and the Attorney General of our nation’s capital would flagrantly flout a constitutional decision from the highest court in the land — not to mention bragging about it to the media. But that’s exactly what happened earlier this week.
On Tuesday, the D.C. City Council unanimously enacted new firearms restrictions on an emergency basis in response to the Supreme Court’s decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, No. 07-290.
Disgusting is a good word for it. In a sane world, enacting a law or regulation in violation of the US Constitution would be a felony.
Please contact your representative and urge him or her to support the repeal of the D.C. gun ban and to sign the Souder discharge petition. You can visit the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at http://www.gunowners.org/activism.htm to send your reps a message.