[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Thursday, 2005-10-13

Doctor Madblood Presents Satan’s Slumber Party

Filed under: Television — bblackmoor @ 11:41

Dr. MadbloodDoctor Madblood Presents Satan’s Slumber Party, 2005-10-15

Madblood: “Sybil’s Sisters Strike Back”

Dr. Madblood (Jerry F. Harrell) gets wedged into a tough spot when the Sybil Of The Swamp (Jewell Willis) puts him in charge of her four striking young student sybilettes, poor man. Is the swamp witch hightailing it out of Pungo to avoid the arrival of a malevolent maestro from warmer climes of a land “down under?” Why does a tete-a-tete with the ghost of Baron von Basketcase (Craig T. Adams) lead to head games that get all blown out of proportion? With most of the household out for the night, how did Max manage to end up with *more* than the usual mayhem at the Manor? Can he endure an evening of nabbing a nameless mind-numbing nemesis?

See where it happens!

Portions of Dr. Madblood Presents are filmed at the Hermitage Foundation Museum, 7637 North Shore Road, Norfolk, VA 23505, 757-423-2052, www.hermitagefoundation.org. Take a tour and tell ’em Madblood sent you! See the doctor there, in person, on Sunday afternoon, October 30!

Don’t Miss “Dr. Madblood Presents” at 8 PM every Saturday on WSKY, SKY4 (On Cox Channel 4; DirecTV and Dish Network Channel 7296).