[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Wednesday, 2005-03-09

Good web design

Filed under: The Internet — bblackmoor @ 11:07

Sometimes I get called a pessimist. Yes, it’s true. But once in a while, I am given reason to hope. For example, this article in eWeek, Good Web Design Pays Dividends. It’s nice to see a relatively mainstream IT publication espouse simplicity, usability, and standards compliance as goals of good web design. It’s also refreshing to hear someone other than myself say that a commercial web site should support an actual business purpose, rather than serve as a ridiculous flashing do-nothing whirligig for some graphic artist’s resume (most web sites for movies, and nearly all Flash-based web sites, fall into this category). Combined with the unexpected but much-welcome popularity of Mozilla Firefox, I am positively ablaze with hope for the future.

So, for this moment, I am optimistic.

Speaking of Firefox, check out How Firefox Works. Isn’t learning fun?