[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Monday, 2006-10-02

Hackers claim zero-day flaw in Firefox

Filed under: Security — bblackmoor @ 18:06

Jesse Ruderman, a Mozilla security staffer, attended the presentation and was called up on the stage with the two hackers. He attempted to persuade the presenters to responsibly disclose flaws via Mozilla’s bug bounty program instead of using them for malicious purposes such as creating networks of hijacked PCs, called botnets.

“I do hope you guys change your minds and decide to report the holes to us and take away $500 per vulnerability instead of using them for botnets,” Ruderman said.

The two hackers laughed off the comment. “It is a double-edged sword, but what we’re doing is really for the greater good of the Internet. We’re setting up communication networks for black hats,” Wbeelsoi said.

(from ZDNet, Hackers claim zero-day flaw in Firefox)

On the bright side, the idiot hackers have publically confessed, so the federal case against them when their crime goes to court should be a slam dunk. Say hello to your new cellmate, hacker scumbag.


Apparently it was just a joke. Just good-natured fun. Those wacky hackers.