[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Monday, 2006-02-06

In the interest of public safety

Filed under: Society — bblackmoor @ 19:46

Following egregious examples of anti-gun misbehavior by the New Orleans police during the “state of emergency” there, a pro-gun Virginia Delegate is taking action to ensure the same thing doesn’t happen here in the Old Dominion.

HB 1265 — introduced by Delegate Bill Janis (R-56) — would change state law to prohibit the confiscation of firearms and ammunition during a state of emergency.

On Friday, the bill was heard before the House Committee on the Militia, Police and Public Safety. The version which passed out of committee is strong, pro-gun language which deserves our support.

HB 1265 now goes to the full House floor this week.