Initial impressions of Star Wars Galaxies
Well, I played Star Wars Galaxies for an hour or so this afternoon, and I have to say, the UI for Galaxies looks really dated. Like, mid-1990s dated. By default, there are no targeting hotkeys at all, and there is no radar/minimap, making it even worse in those respects than World Of Warcraft.
I am pretty baffled. How hard is it to look at how other games do things and implement them? I’m not talking about curing cancer, here.
Also, the animation is really crude. Very clunky. World Of Warcraft and Guild Wars are both much better.
Still, it’s Star Wars, so I am inclined to give it more of a chance than I gave Warcraft (and I still may try Warcraft again, especially after comparing it to Star Wars Galaxies). But my initial impression of the game is that if it were anything other than Star Wars, I’d be uninstalling it now.