[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Monday, 2006-11-20

Judge won’t halt AT&T wiretapping lawsuit

Filed under: Society — bblackmoor @ 19:51

A federal district judge on Friday rejected the Bush administration’s request to halt a lawsuit that alleges AT&T unlawfully cooperated with a broad and unconstitutional government surveillance program.

U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker said the lawsuit could continue while a portion of it was being appealed, despite the U.S. Justice Department’s arguments that further hearings and other proceedings would consequently endanger national security.


Friday’s ruling represents another preliminary victory for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which filed its lawsuit against AT&T in January. In its suit, the EFF charged that AT&T has opened its telecommunications facilities up to the National Security Agency and continues to “to assist the government in its secret surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans.”

The ruling is also a win for attorneys in 47 other cases against numerous large telecommunications providers. The cases are in the process of being consolidated into one mammoth lawsuit in the northern district of California.

Last week, the Justice Department filed a 27-page request (click for PDF) saying at the least, the court should halt the AT&T case because any proceeding would “indirectly confirm or deny classified facts and cause harm to the national security.”

(from ZDNet, Judge won’t halt AT&T wiretapping lawsuit)

The Justice Department assertion is, of course, complete crap.