[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Thursday, 2006-01-26

Newly redesigned Castle Coalition web site

Filed under: Society — bblackmoor @ 11:14

The Castle Coalition (a nationwide grassroots network of citizens determined to stop the abuse of eminent domain in their communities) today launched the most comprehensive website on the issue. The fully redesigned site (www.CastleCoalition.org) provides information and assistance to journalists, legislators, homeowners, students and scholars. CastleCoalition.org features an interactive map (powered by Google Maps) tracking condemnations for private development nationwide, an up-to-date catalog of eminent domain reform legislation at all levels of government, and a new online publication (CastleWatch) frequently updated with original content. […]

CastleWatch, a new online publication of the Castle Coalition, will provide readers with news and information about eminent domain abuse in communities nationwide. The regular feature “Reality Check” debunks the myths proffered by defenders of eminent domain abuse. Other regular features include profiles of ordinary citizens battling to save their homes and small businesses from the government wrecking ball, eminent domain survival tips, and an ongoing photographic exposé of beautiful homes that have been declared “blighted” on bogus grounds so the government can seize them.

“The Castle Coalition’s new website is part of the Institute for Justice’s $3-million Hands Off My Home campaign to fight eminent domain abuse at the grassroots,” said Chip Mellor, president and general counsel of the Institute for Justice. “Legislators from 40 states are now working on or have passed eminent domain reform. We hope this site informs them and inspires them to create genuine reform that will protect homeowners in every state.”

It’s not the most attractive web site, but it’s functional. Check it out: <http://www.castlecoalition.org/>.