[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Sunday, 2006-02-19

On the road again

Filed under: General — bblackmoor @ 20:13

I am working on a short-term contract in Richmond, VA for Capital One. Here are some photos of my studio apartment.

Here is a photo of the desk I work at:

Capital One desk

It’s not my desk. I have to clean it out at the end of every day. Capital One calls this “The Future Of Work”. Here is my crate of stuff I carry to and from my car each day:

my crate of stuff

I spoke to a guy on the way to my car.

“You must be in the Future Of Work, right?”
“Yeah,” I said. “I started last Monday.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll get used to it.”

I wonder why Capital One would want people to get used to cleaning out their desks?