[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Saturday, 2013-07-06

Retrospective on X-Files computer game

Filed under: Gaming — bblackmoor @ 23:34
X-Files computer game

Around this time in 1998, Susan and I were eagerly installing the X-Files computer game. We were so excited! It took 7 CDs to install (which was absurd at the time). You would not know it from reading the reviews on Amazon, but this game was ludicrously difficult. On our first mission, we were assigned to look for clues at a warehouse. We went inch by inch over that warehouse, and found nothing. Nothing.

In desperation, we turned on the in-game help, thinking this would get us past whatever stumbling block we’d encountered. We went back to the warehouse, and examined it inch by inch.


We went back to FBI headquarters for more information, but none was to be found. We went back to the warehouse and examined it inch by inch, and found nothing. In frustration, we went back to the FBI and tried to shoot Deputy Director Skinner, but the game would not permit this. We spent hours trying to do something, anything, to get past this warehouse assignment, to no avail.

Eventually, I uninstalled the game and got rid of it. Maybe I sold the game, maybe I gave it to Goodwill, and maybe I just threw it away.

To this day, the X-Files computer game remains the worst video game I have ever played.