[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Friday, 2006-01-06

Russian bride myths and reality

Filed under: General — bblackmoor @ 15:31

While looking for an English to Russian online translator that would return Russian words using the English alphabet, I ran across this page of Russian phrases. Being a curious fellow, I perused the site to see what it was about, and came across this list of nine myths about Russian women.

Like most people, I have always had negative feelings about the idea of a Western man marrying a Russian bride. I have always assumed that the men are pathetic losers and the women are mercenaries looking for money and/or a passport. But after reading this page, I find myself having more sympathy for the people involved.

I was very lucky to find my one true love and soul-mate at the tender age of thirteen. Most are not so fortunate. If their search for love and companionship takes them to the other side of the globe, well, why not? Russia is not so terribly far away. If one finds love there, it’s certainly worth the trip. So I wish them the best of luck.

I also found several pieces of wisdom on the site which made me smile. I’ll repeat them here.

  • Do not send lots of money to anybody you have not personally met.
  • I do not say that a real woman cannot be passionate, young and be honestly interested in you, but when everything is too good, things move too fast, without much effort from your side (“I thought I just got lucky…”), it usually ends too bad.
  • An old proverb says that it’s very easy to find a suitable partner for marriage: one just must be a suitable partner himself.
  • Another nice saying is: Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
  • According to USCIS (former INS) study, the success rate in international marriages is 80% after 5 years comparing with 50% of “normal” marriages – i.e. 4 international couples out of 5 are still married after 5 years while every second “normal” marriage ends in divorce.
  • Nobody gets married to his wife. One got married to his fiancee, but it was a completely different person…

Above all, I am grateful that I do not have to go to Russia to find love.