[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Saturday, 2007-03-24

Star Wars Galaxies update

Filed under: Gaming — bblackmoor @ 22:13

This is an update on my evaluation of Star Wars Galaxies.

I have discovered some tricks to make the user interface for Star Wars Galaxies a little better. There is an auto-aim function that makes it less of a click-fest, you just have to enable it. Every. Time. You. Attack. Something. Yeah, well, at least it’s there.


There are also a whole lot of guides available, which is pretty cool.


And there is a radar, it’s just not available during the entire first portion of the game. So from levels 1 to around 8 or so: no radar. That’s just stupid.

However, there is a crazy level of detail in this game, for everything from trading to smuggling to bounty hunting and god knows what else. There are so many slash commands, it’s almost like a MUD. I used to really like MUDs.

So I am still playing. It’s growing on me.