Star Wars Galaxies update
I am writing this post more or less as a note to myself, but maybe they will be useful to someone else, too. Here are the changes to the standard key bindings to make SWG playable (or least reasonably so).
Mouse Pointer Mode Default — Checked
Primary Action — SPACE
Primary Action and Attack — [unset]
Set Intended Target — X, MOUSEBUTTON1
Summon Radial Menu – MOUSEBUTTON2
Toggle Auto Target — T
Toggle Repeat Auto Attack — R
Note 1: you have to hit R (in this setup) to attack with, because a normal attack will just stop after you attack once. Essentially, you have to turn on auto-attack every time you attack something. That means you can’t use the same key to “use” and “attack”. Yes, it’s idiotic, but that’s how it works.
Note 2: you periodically have hit ALT because SWG has a borked user interface that changes “mouse modes”. Yes, there is a very good reason you don’t see this in any other game. It’s idiotic.
Note 3: you periodically have to hit ESC or MOUSEBUTTON2, because SWG has a borked user interface that prevent you from selecting a new target if you examined something else. For example if you looked at a terminal screen ten minutes ago, you won’t be able to click on that Tusken Zealot who’s doing his level best to kill you. Infuriating, but I see no way around it.