The MPAA is obsolete
The MPAA has apparently frowned on some material that Lions Gate Films released to web sites, advertising its upcoming movie Saw 2. Lions Gate is in the process of requesting that web sites remove the MPAA-disapproved material.
Personally, I think that’s pathetic. Isn’t it bad enough that RIAA and the MPAA are tools of media robber barons doing their damnedest to destroy the public domain and fair use, subverting our legal system and corrupting our legislators to do it? The suggestion that the MPAA has any say in what is posted on any web site anywhere makes the bile rise up in the back of my throat. The whole MPAA rating system is an anachronistic holdover from the days of Reefer Madness. It is ludicrous that anyone pays attention to it or feels compelled to knuckle under to the MPAA’s ridiculously outdated mandates.
It’s the 21st century, for pete’s sake. It’s time for the MPAA to go the way of the buggy whip and the steam-powered car.