[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Tuesday, 2006-06-27

The Tick Season 1 on DVD… almost

Filed under: Television — bblackmoor @ 20:13

The TickIt still amazes me after almost 40 years just how infernally stupid human beings can be. Today’s example: The Tick on DVD.

It’s bad enough that it’s taken over a decade to bring this brilliant cartoon to DVD. But now that the DVD is on its way (to be released 2006-08-29), the brain trust at Disney — the same people who are slowly but surely destroying the public domain in the USA — have chosen to release the first DVD with 12 episodes. Season 1 of The Tick, in case you did not know, had 13 episodes. The missing episode? “The Tick vs. The Mole Men”.

What the heck is wrong with people?