Thirteenth Story Mead
One of my hobbies is home brewing. I don’t brew beer or wine: I brew mead and cider. Unfortunately, my last few batches of mead have been extremely disappointing. When it was time to bottle my most recent batch, I was ready to give up on mead entirely if this one turned out badly.
This is the best batch of mead I have ever made. My faith in home brewing is restored. That’s the label over there, by the way. Click on it to get a better look. I went a different route this time with the style. Rather than the Old English or Nordic look I usually opt for, I went for a modern look.
I’m not telling you what the name means. That’s a secret.
Addendum: the recipe
A couple of people have asked about the recipe. In my experience, the recipe matters less than blind luck, but here it is:
Thirteenth Story Mead
Metheglin mead
Ingredients (5 gallons)
5 gal boiled water, cooled to blood temp
1 gal filtered water
15 lbs dark honey
1 tsp whole allspice
1 tbsp vanilla extract
¼ tsp Irish moss
1 cup dark coffee (liquid, not beans)
4 campden tablets, crushed
1 ½ tsp gypsum
2 pkg white wine yeast (I should have used champagne yeast, but it turned out well anyway, so who knows)
3 tsp yeast nutrient
Procedure (5 hours)
1 gal filtered water
15 lbs dark honey
1 tsp whole allspice
1 tbsp vanilla extract
boil all of the above 15 minutes; skim protien
¼ tsp Irish moss
boil another 15 minutes; skim protien
let cool to blood temp
transfer to carboy
top off carboy with boiled water, cooled to blood temp, to 5 gallons
mix together:
1 cup dark coffee (liquid, not beans) (note: should have added this during boiling)
4 campden tablets, crushed
1 ½ tsp gypsum (note: should have added this during boiling)
add the above to the carboy
mix together:
2 cups boiled water, cooled to blood temp
2 pkg white wine yeast
3 tsp yeast nutrient
let the above stand 15 minutes, then add to the carboy
Started: 2004-11-20 Hydrometer: 11.66% / 1.092 / 23
Racked: 2004-11-28 Hydrometer: 1.0% / 1.014 / 3.5
Bottled: 2005-09-04 Hydrometer: 0.5% / 1.011 / 3.0
Due: 2005-11-20
Alcohol content
OG: 1.092
FG: 1.011
(1.092 – 1.011) = 0.081 * 131 = 10.6 % ABV
I’m calling it 11%.
The best mead I have ever made. Smooth and dry (dry for mead, anyway).