Tipping is bullshit
Tipping is bullshit. American “tipping” has created a whole class of beggars. People who work on my car work just as hard as the people who bring me food, but they’re not dependent on the kindness of strangers to pay their damned bills. And how much my mechanics get paid doesn’t depend on the cost of the part I have them install, or whether they’re young and cute.
I tip well, because I can (this was not always so), but I would much prefer that businesses actually pay their employees to do the job they were hired to do, so that the price I am quoted when I place my order is the price I actually pay.
“Tipping” should be abolished. It’s unfair to the people who pay, and it’s insulting and unfair to the people who receive.
But with the current political trends in this country, I suspect that most Americans will be depending on “tips” to survive before too long.